Projects have a new primary home on CurseForge To download mods, addons and other projects, head over to the new home page for CurseForge or click any of the options in the navigation above!I admit that Minecraft never was my cup of tea, however everything is better on Vita (at least more fun to play) I was sure that I would only be able to play a Vanilla version of Minecraft, however there are some post's that shows some people recruting for "Hunger Games" mode on Vita! Ciao, stiamo creando un server minecraft (MODDATO) Simile alla vita in città (dei Two player one console, the mark, Gabby, e Marcy) CI SERVIREBBERO PLAYER (PER I TEST) e DEGLI SCRIPTER (non per forza dovete saper scriptare ma dobbiamo cercare tutte le mod che hanno loro) Se mi volete aiutare se le sapete scrivetemi qua sotto le mod che usano (molte le ho Come Costruire Una Citta Su Minecraft 5 Passaggi Mod minecraft vita in città